Love After All: Significant Productions

This page contains the company details for significant productions of Alan Ayckbourn's Love After All.

World Premiere (1959)

First performance: 21 December 1959
World premiere: 21 December 1959
Final performance: 26 December 1959
Venue: Theatre in the Round at the Library Theatre, Scarborough
Staging: Round

Director: Clifford Williams
Stage Manager: Ann Hughesdon
Stage Manager: Paul Levy
Scrimes, a miser
Minta, his maid
Angelica, his daughter
Rupert Hodge, her suitor
Jim Jones, a hero
David Campton
Faynia Jeffery
Dona Martyn
William Elmhirst
Barry Boys

Revival (1960)

First performance: 30 June 1960
30 June 1960
Final performance: 3 August 1960
Venue: Theatre in the Round at the Library Theatre, Scarborough
Staging: Round

Director: Julian Herington
Costumes: Christine Roland
Walter Bagwell
Ida, his maid
Angela, his daughter
Peter Jones
Rupert Hodge
Lo Chin
David Campton
Anita Robinson
Hazel Anne Lee
Alan Ayckbourn
David Glover
Derrick Gilbert
Derrick Gilbert
Love After All was initially scheduled to run in repertory from 30 June - 6 July, 28 July - 3 August and 8 - 10 September. However, the entire season was re-scheduled after the opening production 'Prentice Pillar had the rest of its run pulled. As a result, Love After All was performed from 30 June - 13 July and then 28 July - 3 August.
The Assistant Stage Manager for the 1960 season - who also worked on Love After All - was Martin Carthy, who would go on to become one of the most famed British folk singers of his generation.
All research for this page by Simon Murgatroyd.